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我得到了它在VGA工作与此配置: CYU3PMIPICSICFGYT CFGUVCVGA30NOMLKK= { CYUU3PYCSIIODFYRAW10,/*DATAL格式*/ 2,/*NUDATALLANE** 1,/*PLLPRD */ 63,/*PLLFBD*/ CYU-U3PYCSILPLLYFLSY500,100M,/*PLLFRS*/ CYU-U3PYCSIIPLLKLKYDIVAY8,/*CSIRXCLKDIV** CyuU3Pycsil PLLKCLYDIVAY8,/*PARCKDIV** 0x00,/*MCLKCTL*/ CYU-U3PYCSILPLLKLKYDIVAY8,/*MCLKRIFDIV* 640,/*Held** 0x0A/*FIFOSTRIP** }; 唯一的“问题”是,只有当探针和UVC配置为640x42,而不是640x480,它才发送2条黑线到主机PC,但我可以处理。 GPIF总线是16位,并且相机时钟已经增加到可能的最大值,使得它工作。 有了这个配置,我可以轻松地接收到110个FPS。 由于它与不同的相机时钟配置,但相同的MIPI块参数,我猜上面显示的MIPI配置应该为每个其他分辨率工作。毕竟,如果我不修改相机时钟,比特率将是相同的,而CX3 MIPI块将不会有问题阅读它。 因此我改变了相机的配置工作在720p,具有相同的时钟配置。它不起作用。 我需要改变什么?为什么我需要改变什么? 我有一个字节计数有多少字节的DMA传送到USB,和我得到0x1cc0e8,当我应该得到0x1c2000。 在社区阅读,我发现CX3固件必须修改与MIPI连续时钟工作。下面是我的MIPI信号:黄色是时钟和数据线为蓝色。这座钟是连续的吗? 我试着这样做,当一个StasCUR请求从主机到达: 状态= CYU3PMIPICSIRSET(CYU-U3PY-CSIIHARADYRST); 状态= CYU3PMIPICSIIN(); 状态= cyu3pmipicsisetintfparams(&;cfguvc720p60nomclk,CyFalse); /*传感器配置*/ 正如常见问题解答中所解释的那样。但结果仍然是一样的。我做错了吗?我必须这样做吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have the CX3 device on a Denebola board and I'm trying to make a Sony IMX219 work. I got it working in VGA with this configuration: CyU3PMipicsiCfg_t cfgUvcVga30NoMclk = { CY_U3P_CSI_DF_RAW10, /* dataFormat */ 2, /* numDataLanes */ 1, /* pllPrd */ 63, /* pllFbd */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_FRS_500_1000M, /* pllFrs */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_8, /* csiRxClkDiv */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_8, /* parClkDiv */ 0x00, /* mclkCtl */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_8, /* mClkRefDiv */ 640, /* hResolution */ 0x0A /* fifoDelay */ }; The only "problem" is that it only works when Probe and UVC are configured for 640x482, instead of 640x480, and it sends 2 black lines to host PC, but I can deal with that. The GPIF bus is 16 bits, and the camera clock has been increased to the maximum value possible that makes it work. With this configuration, I can easily receive ~110 fps. Since it works with different camera clocks configurations, but the same MIPI block parameters, I guessed that the MIPI configuration shown above should work for every other resolution. After all, if I don't modify the camera clocks, the bit rate will be the same, and the CX3 MIPI block wouldn't have a problem reading it. Therefore I changed the camera configuration to work in 720p, with the same clock configuration. And it is not working. What do I need to change? Why do I need to change something? I have a byte count to see how many bytes does the DMA send to the USB, and I am getting 0x1CC0E8, when I should be getting 0x1C2000. Reading in the community, I found that CX3 firmware must be modified to work with MIPI continuous clock. Below are my MIPI signals: yellow is the clock and blue is data lane 0. Is this clock continuous? I tried doing this when a SET_CUR request arrives from host: status = CyU3PMipicsiReset(CY_U3P_CSI_HARD_RST); status = CyU3PMipicsiInit(); status = CyU3PMipicsiSetIntfParams (&cfgUvc720p60NoMclk, CyFalse); /* Sensor configuration */ As explained in the FAQs. But the result is still the same. Am I doing this wrong? Do I have to do this? |
时钟是连续时钟模式:LP-HS转换只发生一次,时钟不会在线路或帧之间切换回LP。 2。关于640X42: 测量HSycCl低和高;VSycCl低和高;以及PCLK,然后检查它是否满足要求。即640x480 三。当改变传感器侧的分辨率时,无论传感器的时钟设置如何,都必须修改MIPI配置。因为在MIPI配置参数中水平分辨率正在改变。因此,请从工具获取720P情况下的MIPI COND设置并使用它们。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 1. You can check whether the sensor is working Continuous or Gated Mode as follows: The clock is continuous clock mode: LP-HS transition only happen once, clock does not switch back to LP between lines or frames. 2. Regarding 640x482: Measure the HSYNC_LOW and High; VSYNC_Low and High; and PCLK, then check whether it is meeting the requirement. i.e. 640x480 3. When you change the resolution on the Sensor side, you have to modify the MIPI configuration irrespective of clock settings of the sensor. Because the horizontal resolution is getting changed in the MIPI configuration parameters. Therefore, please get the MIPI conf. settings for 720p case from the tool and use them. |
yahan52 发表于 2018-9-5 17:50 所以我用时钟是不连续的帧之间的变化,因为它。谢谢您。 关于MIPI配置工具似乎无法正常工作在我的电脑,因为它总是给错误,或甚至不产生其他所有的“C”文件。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 So the clock I am using is non-continuous since it changes between frames. Thank you. Regarding the MIPI configuration, the tool seems to not be working correctly on my PC, since it is always giving errors, or it even does not generate all the other ".c" documents. |
zbinxiang 发表于 2018-9-5 18:06 安德烈斯 请提供您提供给工具的下列参数。 1。CSI时钟 2。激活的 三。哈布洛克 4。V-激活的 5。V-空白 6。帧速率 7。输入数据 8。输出数据 还提供屏幕截图,以了解您所面临的错误? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Andres, Please provide the following parameters that you are providing to the tool. 1. CSI Clock 2. H_Active 3. H_Blank 4. V_Active 5. V_Blank 6. Frame Rate 7. Input Data 8. Output Data Also provide the screen shots to know the errors that you are facing? |
只需将每一个MIPI块参数和修改后的相机时钟进行处理即可。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 SOLUTION: Just maxed out every MIPI block parameter and modified camera clocks until working. |
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