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它是Beta FAVAVR。我怀疑图片会有什么大的改进。显然,因为它只有1个月后定期释放。但它确实有很多错误修复。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 It is Beta for AVR. I doubt there will be any major improvements for PICs. explicitly since it is only 1 month after the regular release. But it does apparently have a bunch of bug fixes. |
仍然没有ICD 4 /皮卡4支持新的DSPIC33部分。:(
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Still no ICD 4/PICKIT 4 support for the new dsPIC33CH parts. :( |
IPE和MPLAB X 5为我启动。当多个选项卡行被选中而没有项目打开错误时,开始屏幕消失。在打开以前的项目时,我确实注意到了一个新的弹出窗口,单程升级。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 IPE and MpLab X 5.00 start up fine for me. The start screen disappearing when multiple tab rows are chosen with no project open bug is still there. I did notice a new popup when opening a previous project, One way upgrade.. edit: typo Attached Image(s) |
安装XV5.0的人可以运行MPASMX.EXE并报告它的版本吗?自述说它是MPASM 5.73,看起来不正确…MPLAB X 4.10和4.20有MPASMX 5.77,实际上是倒退吗?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Could someone with X V5.0 installed run mpasmx.exe and report its version? The readme says it's mpasm 5.73 which doesn't seem right... mplab X 4.10 and 4.20 have mpasmx 5.77. Did the actually go backwards? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 ComplexBreakpointPlugin offered but requires features not available Attached Image(s) |
这看起来像SSDD,(我不是指固态硬盘:)也许Microchip让这个在下个月在亚利桑那州举行的大师会议。就像他们需要给开发人员一批IDE bug来对它们大喊大叫。嘿,Microchip你能从十二中挑选一个月来做一个版本,在那里你只修复IDE中的一些生命质量缺陷。没有新的特性,没有新的控制器只是错误修复。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Well this looks like SSDD, (and I don't mean Solid State Disk Drive:) Perhaps Microchip let this one out for the Masters conference next month in Arizona. Like they needed to give their developers another batch of IDE bugs to yell at them about. Hey Microchip could you pick just one month out of the twelve to do a release where you fix only a few of the quality of life bugs in the IDE. No new features, no new controllers just bug fixes. |
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