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我尝试CFG CX3 3065用OV传感器接收数据,MIPI CSI-2配置如下:
MIPI错误线程得到了一些错误:FRMeRCNT CTLRCNT ReSunCTCNununScCnTnT,那么我怎样才能消除这些错误呢? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I‘m trying to cfg CX3 3065 for receiving data with OV sensor, The MIPI CSI-2 is configured as below: And the MIPI error thread has got some errcnt: frmErrCnt ctlErrCnt recSyncCnt unrecSyncCnt, So how can i cfg to Eliminate these errors ? |
嗨,Jack Lee,
我也试图与上述配置MIPI工具和我“cyu3mipicsi得到以下配置文件。”。试着把它和你的相匹配: CYU3PMIPICSICFGGT测试程序RAW8A解决方案0= { cy_u3p_csi_df_raw8,/ * * / cyu3pmipicsidataformat_t数据格式 1,/*UIT88T NUDATALLANE** 12,/*UIT88T PLLPRD */ 358,/uUn1616t PLLFBD*/ cy_u3p_csi_pll_frs_125_250m,cyu3pmipicsipllclkfrs_t pllfrs / * * / cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_2,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t csirxclkdiv / * * / cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_2,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t parclkdiv / * * / 0,/*UIT1616T MCLKCTL*/ cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_2,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t mclkrefdiv / * * / 640,/*uut1616t 0 /*UTIN 160T FIFOSTRIP** }; 另外,请注明你是否能够流视频或不。 供您参考,让我告诉你这些错误计数是什么意思: 1。CRC错误计数: 这个错误发生在CRC错误检测接收数据包时,HS。 对于每个CRC错误,这个计数递增。 2。帧错误计数: 这个错误发生在一个未预期的帧的开始或结束短帧接收分组。 对于每一个这样的错误,计数增加。 三。可恢复的同步字节错误计数: 发生此错误时,HS同步字节的接收与纠正错误了。 对于每一个这样的错误,计数增加。 4。不可恢复分组报头错误计数: 这个错误发生在HS包头收到不可纠正的错误。 对于每一次这样的错误数增加。 感谢和问候 阿比纳夫 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi Jack Lee, I also tried to configure MIPI tool with the above configuration and I got the following configuration in the "CyU3mipicsi.c" file. Try to match it with yours: CyU3PMipicsiCfg_t test_RAW8_Resolution0 = { CY_U3P_CSI_DF_RAW8, /* CyU3PMipicsiDataFormat_t dataFormat */ 1, /* uint8_t numDataLanes */ 12, /* uint8_t pllPrd */ 358, /* uint16_t pllFbd */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_FRS_125_250M, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkFrs_t pllFrs */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_2, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t csiRxClkDiv */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_2, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t parClkDiv */ 0, /* uint16_t mClkCtl */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_2, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t mClkRefDiv */ 640, /* uint16_t hResolution */ 0 /* uint16_t fifoDelay */ }; Also, please mention whether you are able to stream the video or not. For your reference let me tell you what these error counts mean: 1. CRC Error Count: This error occurs when crc error is detected when receiving HS data packets. For each CRC error, this count is incremented. 2. Framing Error Count: This error occurs when an un-expected Frame start or Frame end short packet is received. For each such error the count is increased. 3. Recoverable Sync Byte Error Count: This error occurs when HS Sync Byte was received by Rx with correctable errors. For each such error the count is increased. 4. Unrecoverable Packet Header Error Count: This error occurs when a HS packet header is received with errors that are not correctable by ECC. For each such error the count is increased. Thanks & Regards Abhinav |
ldliu 发表于 2018-8-30 17:31 嗨,阿布加, 非常感激你的帮助。 视频流出来如果我修改了pllfbd从358到336。但也存在一些误区:frmerrcnt ctlerrcnt recsynccnt unrecsynccnt,和帧速率是不稳定的。所以,你有什么推荐的消除这些错误? 其实我有一些参数用示波器测量MIPI: H-活性 H-合计19.3US V活性93MS V总16.67米 测得的H-活性与MIPI工具产生的H-活性不同。在MIPI工具修改h-blanking没有影响。我应该如何配置? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi abga, Very grateful for your assistance. The video can stream out if I modified the pllFbd from 358 to 336. But there are also some errors: frmErrCnt ctlErrCnt recSyncCnt unrecSyncCnt, and the frame rate is unstable. So what would you recommend to eliminate these errors? actually I have measured some MIPI parameters with oscilloscope: H-Active 10.9us H-Total 19.3us V-Active 9.3ms V-Total 16.67m The measured H-Active is different with the H-Active which generated by MIPI tool. And modifying H-Blanking in MIPI tool has no effect. How should I configure? |
邱艳yyxx 发表于 2018-8-30 17:38 你好, 基于先前响应中提供的时序。我计算了一些参数: 我假设你使用的是288兆赫的CSI时钟。 然后 HAc活性=785 h空白=605 v活动=482 V空白=382 PCLK=72 您可以附上MIPI工具的第一个选项卡的屏幕截图吗? 还提到要使用的确切的CSI时钟。 感谢和问候 阿比纳夫 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Based on the timings that you have provided in the previous response. I have calculated some parameters: I assume that you are using CSI clock of 288 MHz then HACTIVE = 785 H BLANK = 605 V ACTIVE = 482 V BLANK = 382 PCLK = 72 Could you attach the screen shot of first tab of MIPI tool. Also mention the exact CSI clock to be used. Thanks & regards Abhinav |
屏幕截图如下: 实际上CSI时钟是248MHz,28 8MHz是错误的(我犯了一个错误)。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi the screen shot as below: actually the CSI clock is 248MHz, the 288MHz is wrong(i made a mistake). |
你可以尝试以下的配置和检查它是否工作。 cyu3pmipicsicfg_t test_raw8_resolution0 = { cy_u3p_csi_df_raw8,/ * * / cyu3pmipicsidataformat_t数据格式 1,/*UIT88T NUDATALLANE** 2 / * * / uint8_t pllprd 99 / * * / uint16_t pllfbd cy_u3p_csi_pll_frs_125_250m,cyu3pmipicsipllclkfrs_t pllfrs / * * / cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_2,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t csirxclkdiv / * * / cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_4,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t parclkdiv / * * / 0 / * * / uint16_t mclkctl cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_2,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t mclkrefdiv / * * / 640 / * * / uint16_t hresolution 0 / * * / uint16_t fifodelay }; 和也 不同的thssettledelay参数“cyu3pmipicsisetphytimedelay()”API来检查传感器流任何的延迟值。把第一个参数为0x01始终。检查MIPI误差减少到零的任何thssettledelay价值。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You may try the following configuration and check if it is working. CyU3PMipicsiCfg_t test_RAW8_Resolution0 = { CY_U3P_CSI_DF_RAW8, /* CyU3PMipicsiDataFormat_t dataFormat */ 1, /* uint8_t numDataLanes */ 2, /* uint8_t pllPrd */ 99, /* uint16_t pllFbd */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_FRS_125_250M, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkFrs_t pllFrs */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_2, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t csiRxClkDiv */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_4, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t parClkDiv */ 0, /* uint16_t mClkCtl */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_2, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t mClkRefDiv */ 640, /* uint16_t hResolution */ 0 /* uint16_t fifoDelay */ }; And also
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