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我设置psoc63进入休眠与唤醒触发运行RTC模式。与Keysight n6705c功率分析仪测量4µ我在休眠模式。期望值是800 Na Hibernate + 380 Na RTC(运行与生态)= 1.18µA. 我连三V PWR引脚(删除跳线J8)在PSoC六BLE创业板背面连接GND的功率分析仪对董事会的任何引脚。我看了图,我看不到任何其他现有的绘图装置,连接销的压水堆。这是正确的测量程序,我可以做我的功率分析仪?我必须用功率分析仪的准确测量和做一个可靠的即其他芯片。 我将所有的低频时钟的时钟和世界海关组织禁用调试引脚GPIO和没有主要用在所有。我启用了0.9 V SIMO降压。 这个项目做了以下: -醒来的RTC每3秒 -广告 等待5ms广告做的 把系统恢复到休眠 你知不知道我可能忘记关闭?当进入休眠模式,我必须显式禁用任何块? 谢谢您! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I am setting the PSoC63 into the Hibernate mode with running RTC for wake-up triggering. With a Keysight N6705C power analyzer I measure 4 µA in Hibernate mode. Expected value was 800 nA Hibernate + 380 nA RTC (running with ECO) = 1.18 µA. I connect 3 V to the PWR pin (removed jumper j8) on the backside of the PSOC 6 BLE Pioneer board and connect GND of the power analyzer to any GND pin on the board. I looked in the schematics and I dont see any other current drawing device which is connected the the PWR pin. Is this the correct measurement procedure I can do with my power analyzer? I have to use the power analyzer for accurate measurements and do a reliable comaprison to other chips. I reduced all LF clocks to the WCO clock and also disabled debugging pins to GPIO and no GPIOs are used at all. I enabled the 0.9 V SIMO buck. The project does the following: - Wake up from RTC every 3 seconds - Advertisement - Wait 5 ms for Advertisement done - Put system back to hibernate Do you have any idea what I could have forgotten to disable? When entering Hibernate mode, do I have to explicitly disable any blocks? Thank you! |
在我的芯片数量:cy8c6347bzi-bl d53es 1743 64 1476 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The number on my chip is: CY8C6347BZI-BL D53ES 1743 64 1476 |
cy_syslib_getdevicerevision() API中定义的cy_syslib .h文件可 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Cy_SysLib_GetDeviceRevision() API is defined in cy_syslib.h file which will be helpful |
M4的调试不起作用,所以我看不到UIT88T ID值。但是我注意到Windows“选择调试目标”给我显示了SILID:0x6BA02477和CyPress ID:0xE2072100。 对你来说足够了吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The debugging of the M4 does not work, so I cannot see the uint8_t ID value. But I noticed that the windows "Select Debug Target" shows me the Silicon ID: 0x6BA02477 and Cypress ID: 0xE2072100. Is that sufficient for you? |
bf7560 发表于 2018-8-27 12:29 嗨,安德烈, 现在的你已经测量不代表实际Hibernate的PSoC 6消耗电流。这是因为6个先锋套件包含从PSoC 63与BLE设备车载集成电路漏电路径PSoC的默认配置。先锋套件是设计用于评估几乎所有的功能,利用PSoC 63与BLE设备提供的,因此它包含了大量额外的车载设备。虽然该试剂盒可用于测量电流下降到深睡眠的水平,它是不适合的子μ电流测量。 当你创建一个与PSoC 63与BLE设备实际应用板,与周边连接以这样一种方式来消除漏电路径设计,测得的电流将在设备数据表规定的范围。此外,我们将发布一个PSoC 63与BLE成型盒下一季度降低的一组额外的外围设备,这将是更适合的子μ电流测量。 当做 维萨克 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi Andre, The current you’ve measured does not represent the actual hibernate current consumed by the PSoC 6. This is because the default configuration of the PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Kit contains leakage paths from the PSoC 63 with BLE device to on-board integrated circuits. The Pioneer kit was designed for evaluating nearly all the features provided by the PSoC 63 with BLE device, therefore it contains a plethora of additional on-board peripherals. Although the kit can be used to measure currents down to the Deep-Sleep levels, it is not suitable for sub-μA current measurements. When you create an actual application board with the PSoC 63 with BLE device, with peripheral connections designed in such a way to eliminate leakage paths, the current measured will be in the range specified in the device datasheet. Moreover, we’ll release a PSoC 63 with BLE prototyping kit next quarter with a reduced set of additional peripherals, which will be more suitable for sub- μA current measurements. Regards Vaisakh |
yangshuhantju 发表于 2018-8-27 12:35 嗨,Vaisakh, 我把电源分析仪直接连接到板背面的拆卸跳线的引脚上。PSOC63不使用任何外部元件,所以所有引脚都是高阻抗的,我想。另外,我这里有4块木板,我可以摧毁其中一块用于电流测量。 请你告诉我,在板上有哪些痕迹,我必须切割或哪些组件,我必须删除断开ALLE组件,这是从拔出跳线的电源引脚的电流? 你必须知道,我现在在评估,我必须找到并证明最好的芯片。柏和另一个品牌是在最后一轮。因此,不能为当前的测量创建单独的板。请支持我得到它运行一个先锋套件。 谢谢您! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi Vaisakh, I connected my power analyzer directly to the pin of the removed jumper on the backside of the board. The PSoC63 doesnt use any external components so all pins are on high impedance I think. Alternatively I have 4 boards here, I can destroy one of it for current measurements. Could you tell me please, which traces on the board do I have to cut or which components do I have to remove to disconnect alle components which are drawing current of the power pin from the removed jumper? You have to know, I am at evaluation currently and I have to find and proof the best chip for it. Cypress and another brand is in the final round. So it is no solution to create a individual board for current measurement. Please support me to get it run with a Pioneer Kit. Thank you! |
bf7560 发表于 2018-8-27 12:41 嗨,安德烈, 由于先锋板上外设的数量太多,没有简单的返工可以产生准确的休眠电流。我已经发了一封电子邮件给你注册的电子邮件ID,以更好地了解你的需求,并帮助你找到一个最佳的解决方案。请检查并回复。 最好的问候, 维萨克 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi Andre, Because of the sheer number of peripherals on the Pioneer board, there’s no simple rework that can yield accurate hibernate currents. I’ve sent an email to your registered email ID to understand your requirements better and help you find an optimum solution. Please check and respond. Best Regards, Vaisakh |
yangshuhantju 发表于 2018-8-27 12:53 你好, 解决的办法是锡,R4从创业板。这是从VBackup到GND下拉并得出3µ@ 3V。所以我可以去510 NA休眠电流。 当做 安德烈 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, the solution is to desolder R4 from the Pioneer Board. It is a pulldown from VBackup to GND and it draws 3 µA @ 3V. So I could go down to 510 nA Hibernate current. Regards Andre |
我已经看过这份文件两次了。但是没有提示我必须手动禁用任何函数吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I already read this document twice. But there is no hint that I have to disable any function manually? |
我读到没有修改需要。所以HW没问题。 你在PSoC6先驱板上设计了1.2度A吗?对于我们的评估,如果我们不能降低低于4μA的电流,PSOC6将被取消我们的计划… 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I read that there is no modification required. So HW is OK. Did you measure 1.2 µA on your design on a PSoC6 Pioneer Board? For our evaluation if we can not reduce the current lower than 4 µA the PSoC6 will be canceled from our plans... |
bf7560 发表于 2018-8-27 14:19 我以前检查过这个列表,并且我们的用例没有匹配的项目: -系统从休眠唤醒RTC 所以我创建了我自己,如下面的代码所示。它非常简单,产生了描述的现象: 包括“项目H” 空循环中断(空隙) { *清除任何未决中断*/ Cyr-RTCl清除中断(Cyr-RTCIn InthAlARM1); N.VICILCurrBungIrrq(RTCHRTCIrqQFCF.InSrSc); } *在上电或重置时写入RTC的默认时间* 定义时间重置(00 U),/*秒*/\ (00 U),/*分钟*/\ (00 U),/*小时*/\ (01U),/*日期*/\ (01U),/*月*/\ (17U)/*年20XX */ CysStCyrtRcAlalMyt const闹钟= { 秒=03U, SeCe=Cyr- RTCL ALARM使能, min=00 U, MyEN=Cyr~rtCalAlalMax禁用, 小时=00 U, HurEN=Cyr.RTCalAlalMax禁用, DayOfWee= 01U, DayOFWEKEN=CYRO-RTCA ALARMAL禁用, 日期=01U, DATEN = CYRO-RTCA ALARMAL禁用, 月=01U, Munth= Cyr- RTCalAlalMax禁用, Alman=Cyr- RTCL ALL }; 无效InitRtc(空) { *启动RTC */ RTCSSTATE(); *清除任何未决中断*/ Cyr-RTCl清除中断(Cyr-RTCIn InthAlARM1); N.VICILCurrBungIrrq(RTCHRTCIrqQFCF.InSrSc); /*配置触发中断的源(ALARM1)*/ CYR-RTCSET中断屏蔽(CyrRTCIn InthAlARM1); *设置默认日期和时间并等待操作成功* 同时(CyrrtRtStDATEDANTIMECT)(TimeIATAtRead)!= Cyr- ReTyl成功; *等待设置警报* 同时(CyrRTCA StalalMARDATEDATEN和时间(和警报,CYRO-RTCA ALARMAR1)!= Cyr- ReTyl成功; } 主(空) { *使EnabeLyIrq();/*启用全局中断。*/ *将初始化/启动代码放在此处(例如MyStimSistAd())*/ iNITC(); (;) { 同时(CyrrtRtStDATEDANTIMECT)(TimeIATAtRead)!= Cyr- ReTyl成功; *将您的应用程序代码放在这里。*/ Cyth-SysLbl延迟(5); *设置从Hibernate *唤醒信号 CythySypMySexBeWaKePuxFig(CythySypMiHiBiNeTeNeRtCug警报); *跳进Hibernate * CythySypMiHiBinTeNe(); } } &系统按预期每3秒唤醒一次。但是在休眠期间,我测量了4的电流消耗。KEnVIEW N6705C在PSoC 6 BLE先锋板的背面应用PWV引脚(去掉跳线J8)3 V。接地连接到板上的任何GND引脚。 -在我的设计中,我只放置了RTC。没有GPIOs,没有布莱。调试引脚更改为GPIO。LF时钟改为ECO。0.9伏开关稳压器使用时,设备是活跃的。 还有什么要配置的吗? 谢谢您! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I checked this lists before and there is no matching project for our usecase: - System wake-up by RTC from Hibernate So I created my own as shown in the code below. It is very simple and produces the described phenomen: #include "project.h" void Cy_RTC_Alarm1Interrupt(void) { /* Clear any pending interrupts */ Cy_RTC_ClearInterrupt(CY_RTC_INTR_ALARM1); __NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(RTC_RTC_IRQ_cfg.intrSrc); } /* Default time written to RTC at power-up or reset */ #define TIME_AT_RESET (00u), /* Seconds */ (00u), /* Minutes */ (00u), /* Hours */ (01u), /* Date */ (01u), /* Month */ (17u) /* Year 20xx */ cy_stc_rtc_alarm_t const alarm = { .sec = 03u, .secEn = CY_RTC_ALARM_ENABLE, .min = 00u, .minEn = CY_RTC_ALARM_DISABLE, .hour = 00u, .hourEn = CY_RTC_ALARM_DISABLE, .dayOfWeek = 01u, .dayOfWeekEn = CY_RTC_ALARM_DISABLE, .date = 01u, .dateEn = CY_RTC_ALARM_DISABLE, .month = 01u, .monthEn = CY_RTC_ALARM_DISABLE, .almEn = CY_RTC_ALARM_ENABLE }; void InitRtc(void) { /* Start the RTC */ RTC_Start(); /* Clear any pending interrupts */ Cy_RTC_ClearInterrupt(CY_RTC_INTR_ALARM1); __NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(RTC_RTC_IRQ_cfg.intrSrc); /*Configures the source (Alarm1) that trigger the interrupts */ Cy_RTC_SetInterruptMask(CY_RTC_INTR_ALARM1); /* Set the default date and time and wait till the operation is successful */ while(Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTimeDirect(TIME_AT_RESET) != CY_RET_SUCCESS); /* Wait for alarm to be set */ while(Cy_RTC_SetAlarmDateAndTime(&alarm,CY_RTC_ALARM_1) != CY_RET_SUCCESS); } int main(void) { __enable_irq(); /* Enable global interrupts. */ /* Place your initialization/startup code here (e.g. MyInst_Start()) */ InitRtc(); for(;;) { while(Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTimeDirect(TIME_AT_RESET) != CY_RET_SUCCESS); /* Place your application code here. */ Cy_SysLib_Delay(5); /* Set the wake-up signal from Hibernate */ Cy_SysPm_SetHibWakeupSource(CY_SYSPM_HIBERNATE_RTC_ALARM); /* Jump into Hibernate */ Cy_SysPm_Hibernate(); } } -> System wakes up every 3 seconds as expected. But while in Hibernate, I measure 4 µA current consumption. The Keysight N6705C applies 3 V to PWR pin (removed jumper j8) on the backside of the PSOC 6 BLE Pioneer board. The ground is connected to any GND pin on the board. -> In my design I have only the RTC placed. No GPIOs, no BLE. Debug pins changed to GPIO. LF Clock changed to ECO. 0.9 V switching regulator used when device is active. Is there anything else to configure? Thank you! |
muuwfwr 发表于 2018-8-27 14:37 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 |
在其他芯片上,我看到它上面有一些开关调节器,在上面显示的图像中,脉冲是明显的。PSoC6只显示一条直线。PSoC6在Hibernate上使用开关稳压器吗?如果是,我如何激活它? 谢谢您! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 On other chips, I see there is some switching regulator on it which is noticeable as pulsing in the above shown image. The PSoC6 shows only a straight line. Does the PSoC6 use a switching regulator on hibernate? If yes, how do I activate it? Thank you! |
bf7560 发表于 2018-8-27 15:15 因此,如果我们不能在这里找到解决方案,您能提供一个示例项目,该系统通过使用ECO在活动的RTC唤醒中设置休眠系统吗?RTC将每隔3秒唤醒或重置系统。你可以在实验室里测量什么? 然后我可以把它放在我的先锋板上,自己测量一下。我认为这是最好的解决办法! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 So if we cannot find the solution here, could you provide a example project which sets the system in hibernate with active RTC wake-up using ECO? The RTC shall wake up or reset the system every 3 seconds. What can you measure in your laboratory? Then I can put it on my Pioneer Board and measure it by myself. This would be the best solution I think! |
muuwfwr 发表于 2018-8-27 15:32 你能为我们提供你的项目吗?首先,我们将检查任何异常。然后我们也会尝试工具包与我们提供的PSoC6。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Can you please provide us with your project.Firstly, we will check for any abnormalities.Then we will also try on kits available with us for PSoC6. |
你好, 我附上了这个项目。 谢谢您! 电源测试 9.5兆字节 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I have attached the project. Thank You!
有一个简单的P6项目,其中的设备被置于休眠状态,并测试了P6先锋工具包上的休眠电流(Rev)。*b硅)。 附上项目供您参考。注意,您需要在时钟设置中取消针对ILO的“Run-Hibernate模式”。 我们测量的休眠电流为685 nA。 我们已经在实验室中测试了这些值。 P6HiBiNAT.CyWrk.CaseV01.Zip 1.3兆字节 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 There is a simple P6 project where the device is put to Hibernate and tested the hibernate current on the P6 Pioneer Kit (Rev. *B silicon). Attaching the project for your reference. Note that you need to uncheck “Run in hibernate mode” for the ILO in clock settings. Hibernate current that we measured was 685 nA We have tested these values in our lab. |
bf7560 发表于 2018-8-27 16:21 我测试了你的P6项目,我得到了3.5个A作为结果: 我在哪里可以检查哪种硅版放在我的板上? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I tested your P6 project and I got 3.5 µA as result: Where can I check which silicon version is placed on my board? |
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