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你好!我在PIC18F97 J60上开发了自己的开发板。板和控制器工作良好,但我不能运行内置的以太网模块。我已经在旧的MLA中停留了,但是即使是PIDMDENET2的项目也不允许在控制器上运行模块。(也许我做错了什么)所以我想知道是否有人在XC8编译器下有一个项目用于常规以太网(没有Wi-Fi)。如果你能分享或告诉我你在哪里能找到这样的项目,我将不胜感激。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi! I made my own development board based on PIC18F97J60. The board and controller work fine, but I can not run the built-in Ethernet module. I've stuck in old MLA, but even those projects for picdem net2 do not allow running the module on the controller. (Maybe I'm doing something wrong) So I wanted to know if anyone has a project under the XC8 compiler for regular Ethernet (without WI-FI). I would be very grateful if you will share or tell me where you can find such a project. |
也许MPLAB X和MCC。也许你可以从HTTP中查看一个更老的MLA://www. McCux.com……
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Maybe MpLab X and MCC. Maybe you could look at an older MLA from http://www.microchip.com/...pplications/mla-legacy |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I looked in the old MLA there at best under the C8 compiler. That's why I ask to share the project. |
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