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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am new to BLE. I am willing to build remote BLE switch. With the help of BLE remote switch I want to start, stop and increase speed or decrease speed of the motor. Please advise me which kit, module and software I have to buy. |
请通过链接购买cy8ckit-042-ble试剂盒。 请从这个链接下载PSoC Creator软件。 开始使用PSoC可请走psoc4 BLE入门视频教程。 PSoC Creator打开附加项目。 cysmart APP作为一个中央(遥控开关)控制的PSoC 4的外围操作。 在PSoC 4的试剂盒,BLE组件配置与定制服务,有两个特点。一个特征将启动和停止PWM等特征会增加或减少PWM速度(通过改变PWM的占空比)。请参阅本文档创建自定义配置文件的更多信息。 在cysmart APP连接装置开放定制服务,有两个特征后,特征1(start_stop)将启动/停止PWM通过启用/禁用通知。2特点(inc_dec_speed)将增加或写的值从1到9的速度减少PWM。 谢谢, p YuangdHar。 ble_controlled_motor_speed.cywrk.archive01.zip 2.9兆字节 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Ajit, Please go through the link for buying the CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit. Please download the PSoC Creator software from this link. For getting started with PSoC 4 BLE please go through the PSoC4 BLE 101 video tutorial. Open the attached project in PSoC Creator. CySmart App acts as a central(remote switch) which controls the operation of PSoC 4 BLE peripheral. In the PSoC 4 BLE kit, BLE component is configured with custom service which has two characteristics. One characteristic will start and stop the PWM and other characteristic will increase or decrease the speed of PWM (by varying the duty cycle of the PWM). Please refer this document for more information on creating the custom profile. In the CySmart App after connecting the device open Custom Service which has two characteristics, Characteristic 1 (START_STOP) will start/stop the PWM by enabling/disabling the notification. Characteristic 2 (INC_DEC_SPEED) will increase or decrease the speed of PWM by writing values from 1 to 9. Thanks, P Yugandhar. |
亲爱的先生, 谢谢宝贵的建议。我下载了PSoC创建者。我会买两个CY8CKIT-042-BLE套件 我已经通过一些示例项目和视频网站和YouTube上的柏树。 在所有项目中的一端是cy8ckit-042-ble试剂盒,另一端是手机或cysmart ble4.2 USB加密狗。 在我的应用程序中我将使用cy8ckit-042-ble试剂盒的两端。是否有任何应用程序或项目或视频使用cy8ckit-042-ble套件 双方?这将有助于我快速开发我的项目。 非常感谢您的建议。 在此附上我的项目框图。 最好的问候 阿吉特帕乔 电机控制模块diagram.pdf 163.4 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Dear Sir, Thanks for valuable advice. I Have downloaded PSoC creator. I will buy two CY8CKIT-042-BLE kits I have gone through number of sample projects and videos given on Cypress website and YouTube. In all projects at one end is CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit and at other end is either Mobile phone or CySmart BLE4.2 USB dongle. In my application I will use CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit on both ends. Is there any application or project or video which uses CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit on both sides? This will help me to develop my project quickly. Your advice in this regard will be highly appreciated. Herewith I have attached block diagram of my project. Best Regards AJIT PACHORE
此僧唯一自传 发表于 2018-8-16 07:39 你好,Ajit, 请参阅GITHUB中的Day012InCalaLub外围项目。它解释了两个设备之间的连接。 谢谢, p YuangdHar。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Ajit, Please refer the project in the GitHub. which explains connection between two devices. Thanks, P Yugandhar. |
亲爱的P yugandhar,谢谢回复。现在我来试试这个项目。同时,让我知道在哪里可以得到所有项目中使用的函数或API的参考手册。例如,在一些项目中,我发现了一些功能,如广告名(Read)、Read()、CubLyGETSTATE()、CysLyIAsReistabAtter回调(IaseEvEndEnter)等。一旦我知道了这些函数的参考手册,我就可以了解更多关于这些函数的知识。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Dear P Yugandhar, thanks for reply. Now I will try the project. Meanwhile let me know where I can get reference manual for functions or API used in all projects. For example in some projects I found functions like Advertising_LED_Write(LED_OFF), UartGetChar(), Cyble_GetState(), CyBle_IasRegisterAttrCallback(IasEventHandler). Once I know the reference manual for such functions, I can learn more about these functions. |
此僧唯一自传 发表于 2018-8-16 08:07 你好,Ajit, 在PSoC Creator中,每个组件都有自己的数据表,在那里我们可以找到所有必要的信息API。当您右键单击组件时,您可以看到“打开数据表”选项。请查阅数据表了解更多信息。 谢谢, p YuangdHar。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Ajit, In the PSoC Creator, Each Component has their own Datasheet where we can find all the necessary information, APIs. When you right click on the component you can see the "Open Datasheet" option. Please go through the datasheet for more information. Thanks, P Yugandhar. |
yu1004402274 发表于 2018-8-16 08:14 亲爱的P 谢谢指导。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Dear P Yugandhar, thanks for guidance. |
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