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C6657手册中 的 TCR ENAMODE_ LO 描述如下
Enabling mode bits determine the timer mode. 00b = The timer is disabled (not counting) and maintains the current value. 01b = The timer is enabled one time. The timer stops after the timer counter reaches the timer period. 10b = The timer is enabled continuously. The timer counter increments until it reaches the timer period. One timer clock cycle later, the timer counter is reset to 0 and continues counting. 11b = The timer is enabled continuously. The timer counter increments until it reaches the timer period. One timer clock cycle later, the timer counter is reset to 0, the period registers (PRDHI and PRDLO) reload with the reload registers (RELHI and RELLO) and continues counting when TIMMODE is either set to 00b (64-bit timer mode) or 01b (32-bit timers unchained mode). 可是 CSL 中之定义到2!是我理解有问题,还是这个库文件有问题! typedef enum [ /** The timer is disabled and maintains current value */ CSL_TMR_ENAMODE_DISABLE = 0, /** The timer is enabled one time */ CSL_TMR_ENAMODE_ENABLE = 1, /** The timer is enabled continuously */ CSL_TMR_ENAMODE_CONT = 2 ] CSL_TmrEnamode; |
改成这样,可以自动reload 了。应该是库里面少了一项。 CSL_TmrEnamode TimeCountMode = 3; 看定时器的时钟也是晕的。 用GEL 文件中的 PLL1 设定到1G HZ , 所谓的Intel Clock 应该就是1G HZ , 按照下面设定跑出来应该是100 毫秒才对,可以i现在跑出来是600 毫秒! hwSetup.tmrTimerMode = CSL_TMR_TIMMODE_GPT; hwSetup.tmrTimerPeriodLo = 0x5F5E100;// 100 000 000 hwSetup.tmrTimerPeriodHi = 0x0; |
w97669665 发表于 2018-6-21 12:14 找到了 (EMUMGT_CLKSPD CLKDIV 是6! 谢谢 |
EMUMGT_CLKSPD 寄存器中的CLKDIV 要如何访问,没找到对应的CSL 。 直接写 TIMER0->emumgt_clkspd.clkdiv = 5 ; 又编译不过! |
w97669665 发表于 2018-6-21 12:44 status = CSL_tmrGetBaseAddress(0, NULL, baseAddress); baseAddress->regs->EMUMGT_CLKSPD = 0x0050000; 好吧,我找到定时器指针,这样可以访问这个寄存器! 但是这个寄存器 是只读的,所以根本就改不了。 |
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