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我兩塊BBB也都出現 原因是不正常斷電,已經有許多人反映這問題 官網已經明白說明,可笑的是TI FAE卻沒有人知道!!! http://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#Improper_Power_Down....All_Revisions Improper Power Down....All Revisions We have been noticing a very small number of boards that are experiencing power issues, where the LED flashes and the board does not power up. We have been chasing this for a while now and due to the small number of boards that have the issue and the fact that the issue can also be caused by having things connected to IO pins not powered correctly, it has been hard to nail down. Our initial take was that it was a manufacturing issue on some boards, but we could never prove that. Based on the latest information we have gathered, this appears to be an instance where the PMIC does not power down the processor in the right order due to the violent removal of the power cables, either USB or DC. So, we are recommending that the power button be used to power off the board or by issuing the Halt command. After that you can remove the power cable. If everyone follows this process, we should see a decrease in these issues, but it will take a while for the results, either good or bad, to show up. This will also help prevent the contamination of the eMMC and the SD cards by allowing the kernel to shutdown properly before power is removed. |
一直用的是5V,2A的电源,换了一个还是这样,用USB供电也是这样,指示灯就只闪一下,然后就灭了。 |
Hi jiew, 谢谢你的说明! 由于beaglebone-black是由国外第三方设计生产,非TI出的。所以没有及时了解到该情况。 所以, 会按住一般分析问题的步骤,提供相应解决思路。 |
HI, Beaglebone-black也出现这样的问题,但是突然就不行了. 但是没有突然恶性断电.. 再接上电源D1会闪下. 后面什么反应都没有了.. 到底是什么问题? TPS65217C 电源芯片问题? 拿去中国代理维修,尽然告诉我是CPU坏了, 维修费200. TI CPU 怎么容易坏吗? 本想用此板做个大项目..请给我一个真正原因。。 |
60user25 发表于 2018-6-21 02:19 看了论坛,发现有几个朋友都遇到过此类问题:现象cpu芯片电源短路,65217上电后led闪了一下就保护了。本人也遇到过。感觉芯片质量不靠谱。 |
cpu芯片不靠谱,还是电源芯片不靠谱? |
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