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本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-11 17:16 编辑
#include "smopos.h" // Include header for the SMOPOS object #include "smopos_const.h" // Include header for the SMOPOS object #include "park.h" // Include header for the PARK object #include "ipark.h" // Include header for the IPARK object #include "pid_reg3.h" // Include header for the PIDREG3 object #include "clarke.h" // Include header for the CLARKE object #include "svgen_dq.h" // Include header for the SVGENDQ object #include "rampgen.h" // Include header for the RAMPGEN object #include "rmp_cntl.h" // Include header for the RMPCNTL object #include "volt_calc.h" // Include header for the PHASEVOLTAGE object #include "speed_est.h" // Include header for the SPEED_EStiMATION object #include "speed_fr.h" // Include header for the SPEED_MEAS_QEP object #if (DSP2803x_DEVICE_H==1) #include "f2803xileg_vdc.h" // Include header for the ILEG2DCBUSMEAS object #include "f2803xpwm.h" // Include header for the PWMGEN object #include "f2803xpwmdac.h" // Include header for the PWMGEN object #include "f2803xqep.h" // Include header for the QEP object #include "DSP2803x_EPwm_defines.h" // Include header for PWM defines #endif "HVPM_Sensorless.h" 里面包含了很多马达控制宏定义的函数,当我其他.C函数调用"HVPM_Sensorless.h" 时,会出现宏函数里的局部变量会重复定义。 "HVPM_Sensorless.h" 已经在main.c中调用,请问怎么解决,谢谢 错误信息见图 |
楼主, 你好! 没有问题的。我的项目里就是这样做的,我有一个user_Def.c 和user_Def.h文件,user.h里面有调用"HVPM_Sensorless.h" ,user_Def.c 中有对 rc1等结构体进行操作,编译没有问题。只是要把其它的结构体变量声明为extern,估计楼主是否在其他文件里面包含了PeripheralHeaderIncludes.h文件? 例如: extern RMPCNTL rc1; extern RAMPGEN rg1; extern SMOPOS smo1; extern SPEED_ESTIMATION speed3; extern PARK park1 ; extern IPARK ipark1 ; |
Ehunt 发表于 2018-6-11 07:01 你的"HVPM_Sensorless.h"除了在user.h里定义外,还在别的地方include了吗? |
你的"HVPM_Sensorless.h"除了在user.h里定义外,还在别的地方include了吗?比如在main.c中,也include了"HVPM_Sensorless.h"吗? |
am3x2k 发表于 2018-6-11 07:33 是的 ,main.c 里面也包含。如果你的项目过不了,可以贴上来我帮你看一下。 |
问题已经解决,需要把libs库函数升级到V4.0 |
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