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` P509(A)1. General Description
This EPROM-Based 8-bit micro-controller uses a fully static CMOS technology process to achieve higher speed and smaller size with the low power consump-tion and high noise immunity. On chip memory inclu-des 1K words of ROM, and 41 bytes of static RAM. 2. Features The followings are some of the features on the hardware and software : ? Fully COMS static design ? 8-bit data bus ? On chip EPROM size : 1 K words ? Internal RAM size : 41 bytes ? 36 single word instructions ? 14-bit instructions ? 2-level stacks ? Operating voltage : 2.5 V ~ 5.0 V ? Operating frequency : 4 MHz or 8 MHz ? The most fast execution time is 500 ns under 8 MHz in all single cycle instructions except the branch instruction ? Addressing modes include direct, indirect and relative addressing modes ? Power-on Reset ? Sleep Mode for power saving ? Oscillator mode: INTRC-Internal 4/8 MHz RC oscillator ? Power on start-up time : 20 ms ? 8-bit real time clock/counter(RTCC) with 8-bit programmable prescaler ? On-chip RC oscillator based Watchdog Timer(WDT) ? Wake-up from sleep on pin change 3. Applications The application areas of this P509(A) range from appliance motor control and high speed automotive to low power remote transmitters/receivers, small instruments, chargers, toy, automobile and PC pe-ripheral … etc. 4. Pin Assignment P509ST2611 PB0 1 6 PB3 VSS 2 5 VDD PB1 3 4 PB2/RTCC P509ST2613 PB0 1 6 /MCLR VSS 2 5 VDD PB1 3 4 PB2/RTCC P509P11/S11/TSS11 VDD 1 8 VSS PB5 2 7 PB0 PB4 3 6 PB1 PB3 4 5 PB2/RTCC P509P13/S13/TSS13 VDD 1 8 VSS PB5 2 7 PB0 PB4 3 6 PB1 /MCLR 4 5 PB2/RTCC 深圳市美芯微电子有限公司 麦肯单片机授权一级代理商 M D T 1 0P509 电话;0755-36857609/27945551/29491882 地址:深圳市宝安区宝源路名优产品采购中心B1区721室 M D T10P509ST2611 M D T10P509ST2613 M D T10P509P11/S11/TSS11 M D T10P509P13/S13/TSS13 供应***麦肯FLASH单片机MDT10F629 SOP8封装兼容代替=PIC12F629 MDT10F630 可以兼容代PIC16F630完全兼容代替美国MICROCHIP芯片 PIC12F629 MDT10F675兼容代替 PIC16F675 MDT10F676 兼容代替PIC16F676 MDT10F73兼容代替PIC16F73 MDT10F683兼容代替PIC16F686 MDT10F684兼容代替PIC16F64 MDT10P53兼容代替PIC12F508 MDT10P509兼容代替PIC12F509 MDT2005MDT10P05兼容代替PIC16C54 MDT2010MDT10P10兼容代替PIC16C56 MDT2020NDT10P20兼容代替PIC16C57 NDT10P2030 MDT10P55B兼容代替PIC16C505 MDT10P57 MDT2051兼容代替PIC16C711 MDT10P611 MD10P716兼容代替PIC16C716 MDT10P72 兼容代替PIC16C72 MDT10P721兼容代替PIC16C72 MDT10P73兼容代替PIC16C73 MDT10P74 兼容代替PIC16C74 完全兼容代替 可代客户烧录程序 有新品上市E85F0003 MDT10F686(有SOT6/SOP8/SOP10/SOP14 封装) 有需要请联系我 联系方式 :13923438566 孙先生 QQ:1105785862 微信 13923438566 ` ![]() |
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