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3.0.35版本代码(3.0.35 version code)u-boot源码(u-boot source code)
文件名:u-boot-2009.08--svn*.tar.xz kernel源码(kernel source code) 文件名:linux-3.0.35--svn*.tar.xz 交叉编译工具 (cross compifer tool) 文件名:gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12.tar.bz2 配置编译环境(configuration of compifer environment) 准备源码(prepare source code)准备源码包 (prepare source code package) 1)创建工作目录 $ mkdir ~/my-imx6 创建 ~/my-imx6/02_source/imx_3.0.35_4.1.0 作为源码目录 $ mkdir ~/my-imx6/02_source/imx_3.0.35_4.1.0 -p 创建 ~/my-imx6/03_tools 作为工具目录 $ mkdir ~/my-imx6/03_tools -p 2)复制源码包到开发主机中 解压源码包 (decompress source code package) 1)解压u-boot源码和内核源码 $ cd ~/my-imx6/02_source/imx_3.0.35_4.1.0 2)解压交叉编译工具 $ cd ~/my-imx6/03_tools/ 开发环境配置(development environment configuration)安装需要的包 (install package needed) 1)更新源列表 $ sudo apt-get update
install aptitude package management tool $ sudo apt-get –y install aptitude
install ia32-libs with aptitude $ sudo aptitude –y install ia32-libs 3)安装mkimage工具 $ sudo apt-get -y install uboot-mkimage 4)安装ncurses-dev 提示:下图为安装过ncurses-dev工具后,再次执行安装命令的截图。 1)将平台信息写入到一个新的配置文件 $ echo "export ARCH=arm" > ~/my-imx6/03_tools/myimx6_3035_build_env 2)将交叉编译工具链路径写入到配置文件
enter cross compiler tool directory
write path to configured file $ sed -i "$a IMX6_GCC462_PATH=$PWD" ~/my-imx6/03_tools/myimx6_3035_build_env
write cross compiler tool to configured file $ sed -i "$a export CROSS_COMPILE=$IMX6_GCC462_PATH/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-" ~/my-imx6/03_tools/myimx6_3035_build_env 3)查看配置文件 $ cat ~/my-imx6/03_tools/myimx6_3035_build_env 4)附图 注意:如果在某一步操作错误,则需要删除 ~/my-imx6/03_tools/myimx6_3035_build_env 文件,并重新按照本小节操作。 编译u-boot(compile u-boot) 进入u-boot源码目录(enter u-boot source code directory) $ cd ~/my-imx6/02_source/imx_3.0.35_4.1.0/u-boot-2009.08/ 使配置文件生效(validate configured file)
execute source command $ source ~/my-imx6/03_tools/myimx6_3035_build_env
view compiler configuration $ echo $ARCH 提示:可看到ARCH和CROSS_COMPILE被设置
verify cross compiler tool configuration $${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc –v 清除u-boot配置(remove u-boot configuration) $ make distclean u-boot配置(u-boot configuration)
evaluation board and its corresponding u-boot compiler configuration: [tr=transparent][td] 评估板主型号 [/td][td](evaluation board main model) CPU类型-内存容量 [/td][td](CPU type-memory capacity) 对应的u-boot配置 [/td][/tr](corresponding u-boot configuration) [tr=transparent][td=1,4]MY-IMX6-EK200[/td][td]6Q(四核)- 1G |
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小黑屋| 手机版| Archiver| 电子发烧友 ( 湘ICP备2023018690号 )
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