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文档说明(document instruction)
系统环境说明(system environment instruction)
CUP architeture of host used for compilation:64bit
system of host:Linux
Linux release version:Ubuntu
Ubuntu version type:server version
Ubuntu version no.:12.04.5
Ubuntu system type:x86-64 注意:开发主机请使用ubuntu 12.04.5 x86-64(桌面版或服务器版均可),使用其他发行版的Linux或Ubuntu的其它版本可能会遇到的不必要的问题。 Note: The development host should use ubuntu 12.04.5 x86-64(desktop and server version are available),Using other distribution of Linux and other versions of Ubuntu may encounter unnecessary problems 操作说明 (operation instruction) 1)文档中以“$”开头的行,其后是Linux命令。 The line in the document which begins with “$”,which is followed by the Linux command.。 2)文档中所有的Linux命令建议手动输入到Linux主机执行(直接复制、粘贴到Linux主机上执行,可能会执行失败)。 All the Linux commands in the document are recommended to be entered into the host manually for execution.(Copying ,pasting to the host directly to execute may fail)。 3)文档中的Linux执行命令,如果空格后的下一个字符是“-”的(如:sudo apt-get –y install之类的),请手动输入到Linux主机执行(直接复制、粘贴到Linux主机上执行,通常会执行失败)。 In all the Linux execution commands of the document,if the next character after the space is "-",(example:sudo apt-get –y install),please enter into Linux host to execute manually.(Copying ,pasting to the host directly to execute may fail ).)。 4)文档中所有一行没写完的Linux命令请手动输入到Linux主机执行,(因为复制、粘贴命令不能包含类似“换行符”之类的特殊字符)。 any line of Linux commands whichi is not finished is recommended to be entered into the host for execution. (Because copy or paste commands cannot contain special character such as "line breaks")。)。 5)按文档输入并执行Linux命令时注意观察命令的执行结果与文档图片中的是否一致,以确认命令是否输入有误及是否执行失败。 Note whether the execution result is consistent with the document image when you enter and execute the command. check the command was entered incorrectly or failed to execute.。 6)第一遍编译请严格按照文档进行,否则可能出现莫名其妙的错误。 Please follow the document strictly to compile for the first time.Otherwise ,there may be unexpected error。 截图说明(screenshots instruction) 为使视图看起来简洁整齐,截图中的命令提示符统一使用myzr$。 To make the view look neat and tidy , the command prompt in the screenshot should use myzr$ uniformly。 图片中的Linux命令(Linux command in the image) 在文档的图片中观察“myzr$”开头的行可以直观的看到输入的Linux命令。 In the image of the document, you can see the input Linux command visually from the lines that start with “myzr$”。 重要信息说明(important information instruction) 为避免各位客户在搭建开发环境及编译过程中遇到不必要的问题浪费时间和精力,推荐使用明远智睿发布的“vb43-u12045-serv-amd64”虚拟机系统。 To avoid our customers wasting time and energy when they encounter unnecessary problems in building development environment and compiling process,it is recommended to use “vb43-u12045-serv-amd64” virtual machine system released by MYZR。 具体参见 MYZR虚拟机系统指导(details refered to MYZR virtual machine system guidance) 源码文件(source code) 评估板对应的Linux版本及对应的源码文件见下表: The corresponding Linux version of the evaluation board and the corresponding source code files are shown in the table below:
交叉编译工具文件(cross compiler tool file) Linux程序交叉编译工具:gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz Linux program cross compiler tool:gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar Linux交叉编译工具配置文件:gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env Linux cross compiler tool configuration file:gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env 创建工作目录(creat working directory) 1)源码目录 source code directory $ mkdir ~/my-imx6/02_source –p 2)工具目录 tool directory $ mkdir ~/my-imx6/03_tools –p 3)镜像目录 image directory $ mkdir ~/my-imx6/04_image –p $ mkdir ~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-4115 –p 4)应用程序目录 application diretory $ mkdir ~/my-demo 安装交叉编译工具链(install cross compiler tool chain) 安装Linux交叉编译工具链(install Linux cross compiler tool chain) 1)进入交叉编译工具链目录 enter cross compiler tool chain diretory $ cd ~/my-imx6/03_tools/ 2)复制Linux交叉编译工具到目录 copy Linux cross compiler tool to directory 将gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar复制到“~/my-imx6/03_tools”,这一步自己采取相应的方式完成。 3)解压Linux交叉编译工具 copy gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar to“~/my-imx6/03_tools”,complete this step by yourself in a proper way。 $ tar xf gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar 4)复制交叉编译工具配置文件 copy cross compiler tool configuration file 将gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env复制到“~/my-imx6/03_tools”,这一步自己采取相应的方式完成。 copy gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env to“~/my-imx6/03_tools”,complete this step by yourself in a proper way。 5)检查安装 check installation $ source gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env $ ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc –v U-Boot编译(U-Boot compilation) 准备编译(prepare compilation)复制源码包到开发主机中(copy source code package to development host) 将下载的“u-boot源码”复制到Linux开发主机的“~/my-imx6/02_source”。 copy“u-boot source code”downloaded to “~/my-imx6/02_source”of Linux development host。 这一步自己采取相应的方式完成。 complete this step by yourself in a proper way。 解压u-boot源码包(decompress u-boot source code package) $ cd ~/my-imx6/02_source/ $ tar xf u-boot-2016.03__svn121.tar.xz 编译(compilation)使编译配置文件生效(validate compiler configuration file) $ source ~/my-imx6/03_tools/gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env 进入u-boot源码目录(enter u-boot source code directory) $ cd ~/my-imx6/02_source/u-boot-2016.03 清除u-boot临时文件 (remove u-boot temporary files) $ make distclean 配置u-boot(configure u-boot)
configuration of development and its corresponding compiler:
MYIMX6EK200-6Q-1G configuration example: 执行编译(execute compilation)$ make myimx6ek200-6q_defconfig $ make 提示:这里为了提高编译速度,在make后面加了“-j4”。这里编译的Linux主机是双核4线程的,所以“-j”后面用了4,也就是采用4线程编译。“-j”后面的数字可以根据系统资源分配,但是不应该超过编译主机最大支持的线程数。 Tips:To speed up the compilation,add "-j4" after make.The Linux host used to compile is dual-core ,4 threads .So "-j" is followed by 4, which takes 4 threads to compile. The number behind "-j" is allocated based on system resources,but It should not exceed the maximum threads the host support.
complete compilation 提示:u-boot编译过程大概需要一、两分钟时间。 Tips: u-boot compiling process may take one or two minutes。 目标文件(target file)
compile file 编译完成后通过ls命令即可看到编译得到的文件u-boot.imx you can get the compiled file u-boot .imx with ls command after compilation. $ ls
target file MY-IMX6系列评估板的u-boot配置对应的目标文件名见下表: The corresponding target file name for u-boot configuration of MY-IMX6 series evaluation board is shown in the table below:
我们需要将编译得到的u-boot.imx复制为我们的目标文件名。 编译内核(compile kernel)We need to copy the compilied file u-boot.imx as our target file name.: 这里以MY-IMX6-EK200-6Q为例(把配置myimx6ek200-6q_defconfig编译生成的u-boot.imx复制为目标文件): Copy the generated file u-boot.imx from the compilation of myimx6ek200-6q_defconfig as target file.): $ cp u-boot.imx ~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-4115/uboot-myimx6ek200-6q.imx 准备编译(prepare compilation)复制源码包到开发主机中(copy source code package to development host) 将下载的“linux源码”复制到Linux开发主机的“~/my-imx6/02_source”。 copy “linux source code”downloaded to “~/my-imx6/02_source”of Linux development host。 这一步自己采取相应的方式完成。 complete this step by yourself in a proper way。 解压linux源码包(decompress linux source code package) $ cd ~/my-imx6/02_source/ $ tar xf linux-4.1.15__svn189.tar.xz 内核编译配置(kernel compilation configuration)使编译配置文件生效(validate compilfer configuration file) $ source ~/my-imx6/03_tools/gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env 清除内核临时文件(remove kernel temporary file)
enter linux source code directory $ cd ~/my-imx6/02_source/linux-4.1.15
remove temporary file $ make distclean 内核配置(kernel configuration)
kernel configuration file
$ make myimx6a9_defconfig 如果是编译 MY-IMX6-EK140 的内核,请使用 $ make myimx6a7_defconfig if what compified is kernel of MY-IMX6-EK140,please use $ make myimx6a7_defconfig 这里以 myimx6a9_defconfig 为例。 take myimx6a9_defconfig as an example。 编译内核(compife kernel)
execute compilation $ make zImage
complete compilation
target file arch/arm/boot/zImage即为编译得到的内核文件,使用ls命令可查看文件信息。 arch/arm/boot/zImage is the kernel file compifed,you can check file information with ls command。 $ ls arch/arm/boot/zImage -la 注意:我们烧录及启动的内核文件名为“zImage-myimx6a9”或“zImage-myimx6a7”,所以我们需要把zImage复制为zImage-myimx6a9或zImage-myimx6a7。 Note: The kernel file name which is going to be programed and started is “zImage-myimx6” or “zImage-myimx6a7”, So we should copy zImage as zImage-myimx6a9 or zImage-myimx6a7 $ cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-4115/zImage-myimx6a9 (A9) 或 $ cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-4115/zImage-myimx6a7 (A7) 编译设备树(compife device tree) 评估板型号规格与设备树文件对应关系见下表: The correspondence between the type of evaluation board and device tree is shown below:
take MY-IMX6-EK200-6Q-1G as example $ make myimx6ek200-6q.dtb
target file 使用ls命令可查看编译得到的目标设备树文件信息: You can browse the target device tree file information from compilation with ls command: $ ls arch/arm/boot/dts/myimx6ek*.dtb 复制设备树文件到镜像目录 编译模块 (compife module)Copy device tree file to image directory $ cp arch/arm/boot/dts/myimx6ek*.dtb ~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-4115/
compile module command $ make modules
Install module to the specified directory $ make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./modules
package the module file $ cd modules $ tar cjf ../modules.tar.bz2 *
Copy module package to image directory
$ cp ../modules.tar.bz2 ~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-4115/kernel-modules-myimx6a9.tar.bz2 注意:如果是编译内核时配置文件使用的是 myimx6a9_defconfig,在这里要把 modules.tar.bz2 复制为 kernel-modules-myimx6a9.tar.bz2;如果是编译内核时配置文件使用的是 myimx6a7_defconfig,在这里要把 modules.tar.bz2 复制为 kernel-modules-myimx6a7.tar.bz2 Note:when you compile the Kernel If the configuration file you use is myimx6a9_defconfig, here you should Copy modules.tar.bz2 as kernel-modules-myimx6a9.tar.bz2.If the configuration file is myimx6a7_defconfig,you should Copy modules.tar.bz2 as kernel-modules-myimx6a7.tar.bz2. 应用程序编译(application compilation) Linux应用程序编译(Linux application compilation)编写应用程序(write an application)
Create application source code directory and Linux-4.1.15 executable program directory $ mkdir ~/my-demo/source_code -p $ mkdir ~/my-demo/bin-l4115 -p
write source code $ cd ~/my-demo/source_code $ vi hello.c 写入以下代码并保存 write following code and save #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Hello, MYZR!n"); return; }
view code $ cat hello.c 编译应用程序(compife application)
Configure environment variables $ source ~/my-imx6/03_tools/gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf-env
compife $ ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc hello.c -o hello.out 注意:上面的命令有包含“$”号,即“${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc”,是引用我们source时产生的环境变量。 Note:The above command contains “$”,which is “${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc”. It is the environment variable generated when referring to our source.。
target file $ file hello.out 可以看到目标文件 hello.out 的属性。 you can see the property of target file hello.out。 保存目标可执行文件(save target executable file) $ mv hello.out ~/my-demo/bin-l31452/ 应用程序打包(package application)说明(instruction) 烧录工具支持烧录“my-demo.tar.xz”的文件包到评估板。所以在这里我们把我们需要的应用程序打包为“my-demo.tar.xz”。至于“my-demo.tar.xz”会被烧录到哪个位置,请看《烧录手册》。 Programming tool supports to program “my-demo.tar.xz” file package to evaluation board.So We package applications We need as “my-demo.tar.xz”.while where “my-demo.tar.xz” will be programmed ,refer to 《programming manual》。 打包应用程序(package application) 1)打包 package 这里我们将整个my-demo目录打包。 Here We package the whole my-demo directory。 $ cd ~ $ tar cjf my-demo.tar.bz2 my-demo 2)复制应用程序包为目标烧录文件 Copy application package as target programming file $ cp my-demo.tar.bz2 ~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-31452/ 目标烧录文件(target programming file) 至此,我们在“~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-31452/”得到了除文件系统以外的一套烧录文件。包括“uboot*.imx”、“myimx6*.dtb”、“zImage-myimx6”、“kernel-modules.tar.bz2”、“my-demo.tar.bz2”。 So far,we get a set of programming file except file system from“~/my-imx6/04_image/image-linux-31452/”。including“uboot*.imx”、“myimx6*.dtb”、“zImage-myimx6”、“kernel-modules.tar.bz2”、“my-demo.tar.bz2”。 现在可以参照《烧录手册》烧录我们自己编译出来的image了。 Now we can program the image we compiled by ourselves referring to 《programming manual》. |
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