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展览会 展会概况 2018 China (Chongqing) Trade Fair for AutomotiveElectronics Overview 一、时间、地点 Dates &Venue 时间:2018年3月28日-30日 Dates:March 28-30, 2018 地点:重庆国际博览中心Venue: Chongqing International Expo Center 二、展会主题 Slogan 威廉希尔官方网站
创新引领产业变革 Technology is Everything 三、展会定位 Why We MeetHere 展会依托重庆及周边汽车产业优势,聚焦前装制造领域,深度契合未来汽车工业“电动、智能、网联”等发展趋势,打造一个具有全球影响力,集创新威廉希尔官方网站
专业贸易合作平台。 Based on the strong industrial background ofChongqing and its surrounding area, the trade fair is aiming at a professionalplatform with global influence for the companies and professionals of autoelectronics all over the country to meet, to communicate and to cooperate,where new technologies and new products are showcased and sellers meet theirbuyers, with focus on factory-installed products highlighting Electric, Intelligent, Connected. 四、展会规模 Show Figures China Atec总展示面积过46000㎡,预计将有来自全球的800余家知名展商参展(包含展团)。其中,汽车电子展作为China Atec核心专题展,预计展示面积将超过15000㎡。 The total exhibition areaof China Atec is over 46000㎡. More than 800 exhibitors from all over the world are expected, includinggroup members. As a special show of China Atec, the electronics show isexpected to exceed 15000 ㎡. 五、专业观众与买家 Visitors and buyers 主要观众与买家群体包括汽车主机厂、一二级零部件供应商、汽车电子产业人士等。预计将有超过35000名汽车工程师参观参会。 The visitors include auto manufacturers, 1st tier & 2 tier componentsmanufacturers and professionals in the field of auto electronics. Visitornumber is expected to be exceeding 35,000 六、组织机构(排名不分先后) Sponsors& Organizers 主办单位:中国汽车工业协会 Sponsor: China Association of AutomobileManufacturers 中国汽车制造装备创新联盟 China Innovation Alliance of Automotive ManufactureEquipment 重庆市经济和信息化委员会 Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economyand Information Technology 重庆市商务委员会 Chongqing Commerce Commission 支持协办:中国汽车工程学会 Co-sponsor:Society of Automobile Engineers of China 中国汽车工程研究院股份公司 China AutomotiveEngineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司 Changan AutomobileCompany Limited 广东省汽车工程学会 Society ofAutomotive Engineers of Guangdong 上海市汽车工程学会 Shanghai Society of Automotive Engineers 湖北省汽车工程学会 Society of Automotive Engineersof Hubei 四川省汽车工程学会 Society of Automotive Engineersof Sichuan 长安汽车工程研究总院 Changan Automobile Engineering Research Institute 承办单位:重庆汽车工程学会 Organizer:Society of Automotive Engineers of Chongqing 重庆市中环盛世商务会展有限公司 ChongqingZhonghuan Exhibition Co., Ltd. 七、展会介绍 About 2018 Show (一)联袂呈现,汽车电子威廉希尔官方网站
展引领China Atec (I) Special shows highlighting China Atec,with Auto Electronics Show as the lead 中国汽车威廉希尔官方网站
展,英文简称China Atec。展会是中国汽车工业协会与重庆市为推动中国汽车威廉希尔官方网站
展正是China Atec的核心专题展,与汽车动力总成威廉希尔官方网站
展等共同构成了China Atec品牌。 China Trade Fair for Automotive Technologies wasestablished in 2011, formerly called CATME, now known as China Atec. It’s aresult of joint efforts of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers andrelevant organizations in Chongqing, aiming at advancing the development ofautomotive technologies in China. The special show for Auto Electronics is asthe lead, composing China Atec together with shows for powertrain and ICV. (二)把握威廉希尔官方网站
盛会 (II) Focusing on new trend and new technology,making the leading show of auto electronics in China 电子威廉希尔官方网站
互动平台,正是展览举办目的所在。 Auto electronics is ofkey importance for automobile development. The market in China had become thelargest one of the world because of the rapid growth of the auto industry inChina. New technologies in auto electronics define the trend of automotiveindustry, and it is expected that electronics will count 50% of the total costfor a vehicle. That is exactly why the trade show is organized, which is todiscuss the new trends, to showcase the new technologies, making a platform forauto electronics suppliers and auto manufacturers, tier 1 / tier 2 componentsmanufacturers to have face-to-face communications. (三)聚焦用户市场,直面用户需求 (III) We know the market, we know thebuyers 作为中国最大的汽车产业基地,重庆在2016年以316万辆的产量继续领跑全国。以重庆为中心,整合周边的四川、湖北、广西、广东等汽车产业重镇,共同构筑了庞大的汽车电子用户市场。展会将帮助企业与汽车用户的研发、采购部门负责人面对面交流,聆听汽车制造业的呼声,拓展商机。 As the largest automobile industrial base in China, Chongqing continued totake the lead in the country with annual output of 3,160,000 vehicles in 2016. Hugeautomotive electronic market is built with Chongqing as the center coveringsurrounding areas including Sichuan, Hubei, Guangxi, Guangdong and etc. The tradefair enables electronic suppliers to meet visitors in R&D and purchasing,to know their needs, which will result in better business outcomes. 八、上届展会回顾 Review on 2017 show 上届展会(China Atec 2017)于2017年3月22日-24日在重庆国际博览中心成功举办。总展出面积40000平方米,吸引23个国家和地区的600余家知名企业赴渝参展。 Thelast show, formerly called CATME 2017, was held in Chongqing International Expo Centerfrom March 22 to 24, 2017, which is regarded with no doubt as a big success,with total exhibition area of 40000 m2 and over 600 exhibitorsfrom 23 countries and regions. 在汽车电子威廉希尔官方网站
。供需双方在整体解决方案、先期介入、个性化需求等方面展开了深入对话。中汽协副秘书长姚杰、重庆市经信委总工程师赵刚、重庆市商务委副主任熊林、长安汽车副总裁李伟、重庆长安铃木副总况锦文、重庆五洲龙汽车总经理刘信义等领导嘉宾出席相关活动并参观展览。 Inautomotive electronics show, exhibitors like ST Microelectronics,ON Semiconductor, Sensopart, m+p, TTTech, OMEGA, DEWESoft and iFLYTEKshowcased their new technologies applied to automotive sector. Suppliers andbuyers had effective communications on total solution, early vendor involvementand even special requirements on a certain product. Yao Jie, Deputy SecretaryGeneral of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Zhao Gang, ChiefEngineer of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and InformationTechnology, Xiong Lin, Deputy Director of Chongqing Commerce Commission, LiWei, Vice President of Chang’an Auto, Kuang Jinwen, Vice President of ChongqingChang’an Suzuki and Liu Xinyi, General Manager of Chongqing Wuzhoulong Motorsattended activities on site and toured around the show 上海大众、一汽奥迪、北京现代、长安汽车、长安福特、长安铃木、潍柴汽车、力帆汽车、东风小康、上汽依维柯、北汽银翔、华晨鑫源、众泰汽车、五洲龙、比亚迪、长城、广汽本田、秋田齿轮、大江工业、铁马工业、延锋江森、联伟汽车零部件、马勒发动机等105家主机厂和2567家一二级零部件企业到达现场参观洽谈,专业观众总人数达到30695人次。 105 automobile manufacturers and 2567 tier I / tier IIcomponents manufacturers visited 2017 show, including SVW, FAW Audi, BeijingHyundai, Chang’an Auto, Chang’an Ford, Chang’an Suzuki, Weichai Auto, LifanAuto, Dongfeng Xiaokang, SAIC Iveco, BAIC Yinxiang, Brilliance Xinyuan, ZOTYEAuto, Wuzhoulong Motors, BYD, Great Wall, Guangqi Honda, Qiutian Gear, DajiangIndustry, Tiema Industry, Yanfeng Adient, Lianwei Auto Components, MahleEngine, and etc. The total visits reach 30695. 九、展示范围 Exhibit Profile (一)车控与车载系统: (I) Automotive Components& In-vehicle System 动力控制系统、底盘控制系统、车身控制系统、安全与舒适控制系统、汽车信息系统、导航系统、汽车影音娱乐系统、车载通信与网络系统等。 Engine ControlSystem, Chassis Control System, Body Control System,Safety/Comfort Control System,Navigation System,Infotainment System, Communication/ITS-related System , In-vehicle NetworkingSystem and etc. (二)半导体,电子元件和设备: (II) Semiconductors, Electronic Componentsand Devices 车载半导体、传感器、电池、车载PCBs、摄像模组、电容器/冷凝器、连接器/电缆/线束、电阻、触摸屏/显示模组(LCD/FED/VFD)、通信模组、精细加工威廉希尔官方网站
等。 In-vehicleSemiconductors, Sensors, Batteries,In-vehicle PCBs, Camera Modules,Capacitors/Condensers, Connectors/Cables/Harnesses, Resistors, Touchpanels/Display Modules (LCD/FED/VFD), CommunicationModules, Fine Processing Technologies, and etc. (三)驾驶辅助与自动驾驶: (III) ADAS/AutonomousDriving Technology 驾驶辅助系统/ADAS、雷达、传感器组件、车载摄像模组、图像处理系统、半导体/集成电路、车载操作系统、系统开发支持工具/服务等。 ADAS, Radars, Sensor Modules, Camera Modules, Image ProcessingSystem, Semiconductors, IC , In-vehicle OS , R&D Support Tools/Services,and etc. (四)测试威廉希尔官方网站
: (IV) Testing Technology ECU测试工具/软件、ECU诊断和验证服务、测试检查与分析器件、车内网络系统软件、CAE软件、调试器等。 ECU Testing Tools/Software, ECU Diagnosis andVerification Services, Testing, Inspection and Analysis Devices/Software for In-vehicleNetworking System, CAE Software , Debuggers , and etc. (五)ECU制造与检测威廉希尔官方网站
: (V) ECU Manufacturing and Testingtechnology ECU制造、SMT材料、检测设备、委托SMT、委托制造服务等。 ECU Manufacturing, SMTMaterials, Inspection Equipment , Contract SMT / Contract ManufacturingServices , and etc. (六)设计与开发解决方案: (VI) Design Engineering& Development Solution 汽车及其零部件的设计开发所需的IT解决方案、车载软件开发等。 IT solution and In-vehicleSoftware Development for the design and development of automobile and itscomponents. (七)汽车热管理: (VII) Thermal ManagementTechnology 热管理材料、部件、热设计、热分析威廉希尔官方网站
等。 Thermal Management Materials, ThermalManagement Components, Thermal Design / Analysis Technologies, and etc. 十、配套活动 X. Concurrent Activities 展会同期将举办“2018智能汽车时代的汽车电子新威廉希尔官方网站
论坛、研讨会等。 New Technologies for ICV Electronics Forum 2018will be held concurrently to discuss hot issues on this topic. Besides, wewelcome market leaders to collaborate with us on forums and seminars. 十一、收费标准 XI. ParticipationFees and Other Charges
十二、联系方式 XII.Contact Us 电话: 周雪梅 13193058318 023-61522089、61522095 传真: 023-61522091 |
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