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上海交通大学 邬小波☆ 摘要 介绍了国内外有关威廉希尔官方网站 发展现状及存在的一些威廉希尔官方网站 和环境问题。就地质条件、回 灌方式、地下水灌抽比、回扬和洗井次数等指标,比较了目前国内和荷兰的威廉希尔官方网站 差异。指出解 决地下水回灌的堵塞问题是地下含水层储能和地下水源热泵威廉希尔官方网站 得以发展的关键。强调为避 免出现地面沉降和地下水质污染等问题,必须采用回灌威廉希尔官方网站 和密闭系统。对***今后的管理 工作提出了一些建议。 关键词 地下含水层储能 地下水源热泵 地下水回路 回灌 堵塞 De v e l o p m e nt of gr o u n d w a t e r l o o p f or ATES a n d gr o u n d w a t e r s o ur c e h e a t p ump s ys t e ms By Wu Xiaobo ★ Abs t r a ct Presents t he development in t he technology and existing technical and envi ronmental p roblems . According t o some indexes including hydrogeologic conditions , injection mode , ratio of injection quantity t o ext raction quantity of ground water and f lushing and washing f requency , comp ares p resent technical dif f erences between China and Net herlands . Points out t hat solving clogging p roblem during ground water injection is t he key t o developing A TES and ground water source heat p umps . Emp hasizes t he appliance of injection technology and sealed systems t o p revent ground set ting and ground water being p olluted. Puts f orward some advices f or bet ter governmental management . Keywords aquif er t hermal energy st orage (A TES) , ground water source heat p ump , ground water loop , injection , clogging
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