本文档无意作为有关如何使用DS1847或DS1848的教程,因此请在继续之前阅读设备数据表。 简介 对于依赖于温度的系统上的应用,可调电阻的阻值可在温度范围内变化是非常有帮助的。通常,人们会认为电位
2021-05-15 07:46:003124 本文介绍光通信网络中光收发模块和数字非易失可变电阻的威廉希尔官方网站
2021-03-26 15:57:136944 JUMPER02DS-8E-02DS-8E6"
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The DS1847 Dual Temperature-Controlled Nonvolatile (NV) Variable Resistor consists of two256-
2010-10-26 15:12:1441 How to Use the DS2482 I²C 1-Wire® Master
Abstract: The DS2482 is an I²C to 1-Wire bridge. The
2008-12-18 09:54:061317 How to Replace a DS1213 SmartSocket with an Equivalent-Density NV SRAM Module
Abstract: The DS1213 SmartSocket products have reache
2009-03-31 08:20:10964 How to Use the DS1678 Real-Time Event Recorder
Abstract: This note demonstrates an application
2009-03-31 22:42:241068 Abstract: The DS1847/DS1848 dual temperature-controlled nonvolatile (NV) variable resistors consist
2009-04-17 11:33:34581 inputs. This application note explains how to interpret the values stored in the Main Device SRAM and translate them into temperature and voltag
2009-04-17 11:40:09775 Abstract: The DS1852 is a digital potentiometer with five analog inputs that can be used
2009-04-17 11:42:47434 Abstract: This application note describes how the DS18B20-PAR, DS18S20-PAR and DS
2009-04-17 11:45:101224 Abstract: Abstract: Both the DS1847 and DS1848 feature two 256-position digital resistors
2009-04-18 10:23:12750 Abstract: This application note shows how to configure various loopback modes of the DS31256 HDLC
2009-04-18 11:31:23730 Abstract: How to interface the DS2172/DS21372 BERT to all Dallas Semiconductor family of T1/E1
2009-04-18 11:33:54718 Abstract: The DS2151DK and DS2153DK are ordered and shipped for either T1 or E1 operation. However
2009-04-20 10:25:02559 Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-20 10:31:04536 the adequate information and schematic on how to use this device DS2141A to create this Channel Service Unit.
2009-04-20 10:32:45904 Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-20 10:37:00899 Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-20 10:41:16744 Abstract: The application note describes how to design a backplane of 8.192MHz that simultaneously
2009-04-20 10:45:06917 software download become unusable for any reason. This application note describes how the DS4510, DS4520, and DS4550 non-volatile I/O expande
2009-04-20 11:08:51995 Abstract: This application note describes how to interface a DS1302 in an application
2009-04-21 09:28:46793 Abstract: This application note covers the use of look-up tables in the control of laser bias and modulation. The tables are a part of a feedforward control based on temperature which varies the value of the controlling signal as temperatu
2009-04-22 11:48:20843 Abstract: The DS1847/DS1848 dual temperature-controlled nonvolatile (NV) variable resistors consist
2009-04-22 11:51:47967 Abstract: Abstract: Both the DS1847 and DS1848 feature two 256-position digital resistors
2009-04-22 11:52:54850 Abstract: The DS1847 and DS1848 have an on-chip direct-to-digital temperature sensor.
2009-04-22 12:03:231008 inputs. This application note explains how to interpret the values stored in the Main Device SRAM and translate them into temperature and voltag
2009-04-22 12:07:181097 software download become unusable for any reason. This application note describes how the DS4510, DS4520, and DS4550 non-volatile I/O expande
2009-04-24 09:20:51686 Abstract: The purpose of this application note is to show how to apply a temperature offset
2009-04-28 10:23:19843 1859, and DS1856. This application note describes how to use the DS186xEVKIT with the DS1856, a part that was introduced after the EV Kit was develop
2009-04-28 11:19:31841 Abstract: The purpose of this application note is to show how the DS1847/48 digital resistor
2009-04-28 11:21:43995 inputs. This application note explains how to interpret the values stored in the Main Device SRAM and translate them into temperature and voltag
2009-04-28 11:23:101199 Abstract: Abstract: Both the DS1847 and DS1848 feature two 256-position digital resistors
2009-04-28 11:34:271029 Abstract: This application note covers the use of look-up tables in the control of laser bias and modulation. The tables are a part of a feedforward control based on temperature which varies the value of the controlling signal as temperatu
2009-04-28 11:35:18879 Abstract: This application note describes how to use the DS3900 PC serial port to 3-wire interface
2009-04-28 11:50:56812 Abstract: This application note introduces the DS1847 and DS1848, dual digital
2009-04-28 13:38:27818 Abstract: The DS2151DK and DS2153DK are ordered and shipped for either T1 or E1 operation. However
2009-04-29 10:13:031037 the adequate information and schematic on how to use this device DS2141A to create this Channel Service Unit.
2009-04-29 10:17:37754 Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-29 10:18:40496 Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-29 10:20:011154 Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-29 10:21:40752 Abstract: The application note describes how to design a backplane of 8.192MHz that simultaneously
2009-04-29 10:24:041142 Abstract: This application note describes how CCFL lamps can be dimmed and how a user can maximize
2009-05-02 10:40:301359 Abstract: The purpose of this application note is to explain how to configure the DS1852 so
2009-05-07 11:49:01728 Abstract: The purpose of this application note is to show how the DS1847/48 digital resistor
2009-05-08 08:57:10874 Abstract: This application note introduces the DS1847 and DS1848, dual digital
2009-05-08 08:58:22901 Abstract: This application note describes how to use the DS3900 PC serial port to 3-wire interface
2009-05-08 09:09:22696 2022-11-18 23:45:300 转换DS1847和DS1848的温度值的过程首先读取以字节E2h(温度的MSB)和E3h(温度的LSB)存储的十六进制值。这两个字节包含最新的温度读数。读取两个字节后,可以将它们转换为二进制。位权重如表1所示。
2023-01-14 11:13:452048 电子发烧友网为你提供Maxim(Maxim)DS1848E-010+相关产品参数、数据手册,更有DS1848E-010+的引脚图、接线图、封装手册、中文资料、英文资料,DS1848E-010+真值表,DS1848E-010+管脚等资料,希望可以帮助到广大的电子工程师们。
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2023-02-25 12:05:06434 本应用笔记向工业控制市场介绍双通道数字温控可变电阻DS1847和DS1848。通过对电阻进行温度补偿,电阻器可以保持在特定的电阻,也可以通过每2°C设置一个唯一的电阻值来随温度变化。 DS1847
2023-02-25 12:06:29575 本应用笔记旨在说明如何再生DS1847/48数字电阻校准常数。本应用笔记假设读者熟悉DS1847或DS1848数据资料中的查找表编程部分。本应用笔记将描述所需的测量,并显示重新生成校准常数所需的计算
2023-03-13 10:34:54414 DS1847和DS1848均具有两个256位数字电阻和查找表(LUT),可在-40°C至95°C的温度范围内自动调节电阻。 DS1848还具有128字节的用户EEPROM,用于非易失性(NV)存储
2023-05-17 11:39:20404 DS1847和DS1848为数字控制电阻。这些部件中的查找表用于存储 电阻位置可分立补偿用户在 范围为 -40°C 至 +102°C,增量为 2°C。每个芯片提供两个这样的表,一个用于电阻0(表1 数据手册中)和一个电阻1(数据手册中的表2)。它们可以通过表选择字节进行选择 位于地址 E0。
2023-06-09 16:26:13329 DS1847和DS1848为数字控制电阻。这些部件中的查找表用于存储 电阻位置可分立补偿用户在 范围为 -40°C 至 +102°C,增量为 2°C。每个芯片提供两个这样的表,一个用于电阻0(表1 数据手册中)和一个电阻1(数据手册中的表2)。它们可以通过表选择字节进行选择 位于地址 E0。
2023-06-10 14:32:45358 参数。更简单的器件,如DS1847双通道温度控制器NV可变电阻,也具有温度索引LUT,工作原理也一样好。此外,DS1859和DS1847无需微控制器即可提供闭环控制。
2023-06-25 15:24:18322